The Town of Fairhaven

Fairhaven, also called New Cadrys by some of the inhabitants, is located on the west side of the north-east peninsula of the Land of Fiorgynsheim. Here is a map of the known lands:  
Map of Fiorgynsheim *(see instructions below)

To the West is Blake's Bay, and the town is bordered on the east by steep hills in which there is a local silver mine which seems to have veins of the strange ore called Mithicarum. Winding among the buildings in the north are various canals. There is a seawall that is currently unfinished and provides deep water shelter for only one ship alongside its single set of docks

On the southern edge of the town is a large square with Cullen's Forge being on the east side, along with the Magic Shoppe and other buildings. The largest building in the square is the sprawling Wild Boar Tavern and it is on the west side of the square. To the north of the square is the rest of the town where there are many more buildings - some used and some unused. To the south of the square are the barracks and buildings containing the local garrison. The decision to house the garrison separately from the townspeople was but one step to minimize the open conflict between the two parties. The resulting truce of sorts seems to be working out well, but there are still some hard feelings. The absence of the garrison on long raids on the countryside means they are almost never present.

Several founding members are currently away from the colony. The colony is being run by a council of local leaders. The members are Don Carlo Corleon ( DiFornio's representative and a lawyer), Don Gino Monteverdi (Carpelli's representative and an accountant), Cullen, Captain Bellini and the newcomer Dona Lucia Michaelangelo. The local politics is Cullen's own private little hell as Don Corleon and Don Monteverdi have a seething hatred for one another and will often vote to simply oppose each others efforts. Many mornings, one of these two men can be found pacing in front of the Two Hammers Forge awaiting to air a list of grievances (imagined or real) to Cullen. Monthly council meetings are often loud boisterous affairs with Cullen barely maintaining order but quite surprisingly moving the business of the colony forward. This is due in a large part to Cullen holding Captain Bellini's proxy and vote in his frequent absence.

Recent History in Fairhaven

Drow have continued their attacks on the mines and anyone who works them. They have released plagues of spiders and other creatures in attempts to scare off the workers. Special attention seems to revolve around veins of mithicarum ore.
[Various Help Wanteds -GD Paul Coley

Captain Bellini hired adventures to retrieve some missing miners and deal with a large infestation of spiders. The drow were behind the attacks and spider infestation that carried a unique disease caused by Spider Lycanthropy Venom.
[Venom – GD Will and Val Broderick]

The curse plaguing the previous attempts to colonize the area has been finally laid to rest. The first colonists were attacked by local Quershatta tribes and wiped out but at a great cost. Spirits of the dead were tied to the area from that time forward. The dead were a mixture of the original colonists and the Quershatta natives forever locked in a battler that occurred on the anniversary of the battle. Each year they would rise and pursue their very different agendas. The Quershatta dead wanted to kill any and every living thing that they encounter: after all, they are the invaders and destroyers of their land. The original colonists wanted to protect the new town from the ravages of the Quershatta, and whenever possible, would like to reap their vengeance on their dead slayers – over, and over, and over. Adventurers hired by Cullen learned the history of the town, determined the proper burial ceremonies for both the original colonists and the Quershatta, and performed both ceremonies properly to lay each group of spirits to rest permanently.
[Fairhaven Requiem]

A regular trade route has been established between Fairhaven and Norlake [GD John Jones], which has brought an influx of merchants bearing exotic and magical goods. As a result, the port of Fairhaven has become much busier. This has placed a renewed need for the seawall to expand the protection of the harbor.

A large, mist-shrouded island has been discovered (or appeared) several days sail north east from Fairhaven. The island is the setting for the Averlast games.
[GD Justin Murphy ]

A (now deceased) wererat named Cole burst from the sewers with a number of rat-men and swarms of rats, and tried to seize the merchant vessel Magister. Cole's dying mutters indicated that he was terrified of something that was coming, and trying to escape.
[Casting Off, the prep game for Adventures in Averlast. GD Justin Murphy ]

Locals of Note


Contact Paul Coley if you have any questions regarding the Town of Fairhaven.

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Last Updated: 28-AUG-2011 at 17:52 hrs