The History of Fiorgynsheim, Book 2

by Niccolo de Medici,
Royal Cartographer and Historian of Fiorgynsheim

Growth Of The Colony

Here is a map of the known lands:  
Map of Fiorgynsheim *(see instructions below)

Fiorgynsheim is an expanding land full of mystery, adventure and excitement. From a humble settlement, this colony has grown faster than chroniclers can keep up with. It seems that every month new temples, settlements and castles are being constructed out of the wilderness. With this expansion, older sites long forgotten are being discovered as 'civilization' pushes further and further inland.

For fifteen years following Prince Matheris' appointment as Governor-Prince of Fiorgynsheim in 1972, the colony continued to grow rapidly as immigrants came in to take possession of any unclaimed land. Numerous villages sprang up virtually overnight; most of which are unrecorded in official records. To aid in the development of the colony, Governor-Prince Matheris issued a decree stating that any colonist could legally take possession of any unclaimed land. The only stipulation was that the owner must meet a specific quota of taxable production or the land would revert to the ownership of the Prince. This policy encouraged immigration and settlement, thus contributing to the growth and prosperity of the colony.

Unfortunately, some ambitious landowners, notably Polyphemus of White Rock Valley in 1987 and later Monoculous of White Rock Valley in 1991, began raiding neighboring farms. The old, young and sick were killed, and the healthy sold into slavery to the Qer'Shatta. These two landowners, who then used Dainga slaves acquired from the Qer'Shatta to work the newly acquired property, then claimed the now deserted land.

The Marquis de Simonides, who was (and still is) the most prominent noble in White Rock Valley, issued bounties on those responsible for the raids. Once this bounty was proclaimed, adventurers came forth and the culprits were soon identified and brought to justice, that is to say, killed.

Matheris' decree of taking possession of any unclaimed land is still in effect, and there still remains the possibility that similar events may happen again. However, the policy continues to attract developers and settlers in great numbers, and the growth of the colony continues.

The Cadrylin Family

Relations with the Cadrylin Colony northeast of Fiorgynsheim have been negligible throughout the existence of the Fiorgyn Colony, with the exception of an abortive alliance attempt in 1988. Wishing closer relations with the Jumegevan colony of Fiorgynsheim, King Festal of the Cadrylins and King Jubris of Jumegevan arranged for an alliance between the Cadrylin Colony and the Fiorgynsheim Colony, to be sealed with a royal marriage between Prince Matheris and one of King Festal's three daughters.

Three royal princesses, the sisters Kara, Tara and Kaerya Cadrylin, were sent to Matheris' court, so that he could chose one of these lovely ladies to be his bride. Matheris sent out three groups to meet the sisters and escort them from the Cadrylin-Fiorgynsheim border back to his castle. During the trip to the city of Fiorgynsheim, each of the three sisters fell in love with one of her escorts and procured a marriage while en-route to Fiorgynsheim City. Kara married Sir Tainly, a Knight of Excess, Tara married Captain Kragar Moonfire, and Kaerya married Avion, Scribe and Librarian of the Fiorgynsheim Mage's Guild. Magic love potions are believed to have been involved in the emotions of the princesses and their escorts. Some say it was true love, others say worse.

Instead of being angry that his marriage plans were ruined and that the Cadrylin-Fiorgynsheim Alliance was spoiled, a grateful Prince Matheris rewarded Sir Tainly with the Earldom of Sonders. It seems that Matheris never wanted a marriage after all, for he preferred the company of his consort, the Lady Toulouse.

Needless to say, the alliance never emerged and relations between the Cadrylin Colony of Fairhaven and Fiorgynsheim remain distant.

The Dainga

Relations between the colonists and the Dainga have continued to be distant and distrustful ever since the disaster at the Battle of Fiorgyn's Folly in the early years of settlement. Perhaps fear of the aggressive Qer'Shatta kept both the Fiorgyns and the Dainga from engaging in any hostilities between themselves. Perhaps the small Fiorgyn Clan was too small to bother with.

Realizing quite correctly that the colonists were greatly outnumbered by both the Dainga and the Qer'Shatta, Prince Matheris began diplomatic relations in 1989 with the Batab, a Dainga High Priest and Regional Governor of the Northern Reaches of the Dainga Empire. Emissaries were sent out and a treaty between Fiorgynsheim and the Dainga was made. The treaty basically stated that each side will not encroach on the land of the other, and that peace shall exist between the two peoples. The treaty also dealt with trade. As the Dainga have no knowledge of metalworking or magic (as we know it), iron products such as plows, knives, cooking utensils, etc. were exchanged for jewelry, herbs and goodwill. Matheris has also sent wizards to the Dainga to teach them magic, but little progress has yet been made.

Since its ratification, peace has existed between Fiorgynsheim and the Dainga. Due to the large areas of unoccupied territory in the frontier region, and that the Fiorgynsheim Colony is at the extreme northeastern edge of the Dainga Empire, contact has remained minimal and relations remain good.


Governor-Prince Matheris has been the source of controversy for many years. His sometimes ingenious and unique methods of dealing with issues of state have resulted in both strong support and strong opposition. One example of Matheris’ dealings that has caused some controversy at court was the loss of Tarreline, a province east of Hexwood. At a party hosted by the god Svart in 1991, Prince Matheris gambled with and lost the city of Tarreline and the surrounding lands to his host.

Not wishing to be bothered with mortal matters of government, Svarq held a vote of those present to determine who would be granted the lands of Tarreline. The vote was held and a wizard by the name of Kae-Su won. Svarq then entitled Kae-Su as the Duke of Tarreline, and granted him the lands in and around Tarreline. Thus Kae-Su became the Sovereign Lord of Tarreline by Divine Right (literally).

Some claim that Tarreline is still a part of Fiorgynsheim, but Matheris has never attempted to exert any authority following the loss to Svarq. Since Kae-Su’s assumption to the ducal seat, Tarreline has experienced strong economic and political growth, including the addition of several powerful vassals. Following the precedent of King Jubris’ grandfather and the ancestors of the Cadrylin kings, Duke Kae-Su proclaimed Tarreline an independent kingdom in 1998, and pronouncxed himself King of Tarreline.

Court Martial

At the 1991 Summer Weapons Tourney, King Jubris, having heard numerous reports of misconduct, ordered his son Matheris to return to Court in Jumegevan to give an accounting of himself. Prior to leaving for Jumegevan, Matheris married his long time consort, the Lady Toulouse. While at his father’s court, Matheris justified his actions sufficiently to remain in office, but a further investigation was ordered.

The Order of Gyrfalcon (Matheris and his brother Alvaric's knightly order) ordered a Court of Martial Law to be held in Fiorgynsheim during the summer of 1993 where testimony of the people of the colony could be heard. Matheris' three judges were the Supreme Justiciar Javert of the Order of Gyrfalcon, representing their knightly order, Prince Alvaric, representing the Jumegevan family, and Moldavien, Chancellor of Jumegevan, representing the Royal Government. Sir Frithian Duneyrson-Fiorgyn, being the courtier who originally submitted the complaints to King Jubris, was the prosecutor who represented the Accusing party. The people of Fiorgynsheim were invited by the Knights of Gyrfalcon to attend the Court Martial so as to give testimony in these matters.

Prince Matheris was charged with three violations of his knightly code:

  1. That Prince Matheris Jumegevan has not lived within the Code, Tenets and Duties of the Order of Gyrfalcon.

  2. That Matheris Jumegevan has not conducted himself as befits a virtuous ruler of Fiorgynsheim, which is required by the Duties of Gyrfalcon.

  3. That Matheris Jumegevan has not married and produced a legitimate heir, nor has he begun to train his illegitimate children within the Tenets of the Order of Gyrfalcon.

Legal scholars will note that these are not criminal charges, but charges of violating his Knightly Order. If Matheris were to be convicted of either the first or third charge, Matheris' knighthood would have been revoked. If Matheris were to be convicted of the second charge, then Matheris would have been removed from the Governorship. Only if he were to be convicted of all three charges would Matheris have remained in custody to be taken back to Jumegevan under heavy guard.

The trial proceeded, testimony was given, a defense was put up, and the three judges left to deliberate. The judges returned and immediately before the verdict was announced, Prince Matheris invoked the right of Trial by Combat. This right allows the accused or the accuser to have the verdict of the court martial settled by a melee combat of champions. Although this was an archaic law of the Order of the Gyrfalcons, the procedure was valid. For the Gyrfalcons, the Law is inviolate. In such a combat, the gods will indicate their judgement, and no mortal may dispute their verdict, or else risk the wrath of the Knights of Gyrfalcon.

The Trial By Combat commenced and Matheris won the day. By right of victory in combat, Matheris was acquitted of all three charges. In a surprise move, Chancellor Moldavien, by authority of King Jubris, then presented Prince Alvaric with the Talisman of Sovereignty, thus officially making Alvaric King of Fiorgynsheim, and making Fiorgynsheim a kingdom in its own right, independent of Jubris and the Jumegevan Kingdom. Although victorious in his trial, Matheris at once found himself a vassal prince to his older half-brother, now King Alvaric. It seems that King Jubris gave his Chancellor the right to appoint Alvaric to the highest office despite the outcome of the trial.

King Alveric

King Alvaric's reign was well looked upon by the people of the land, but sinister plots began to be put into play. On 20 April 1996, at the Annual Weapons Tournament, Prince Matheris publicly charged his half-brother King Alvaric with violating his knightly code. This was done following Matheris' renouncement of any claims to the Fiorgynsheim throne. After making these accusations, Matheris claimed Alvaric's rule suspended until a gathering of a Martial Court of Gyrfalcons could be held, and that his son Lionel is the sole and legitimate heir to the throne of Fiorgynsheim. King Alvaric issued arrest warrants on the charge of treason but Matheris remained at large. For the next two years Matheris kept a low profile, but remained in Fiorgynsheim despite the arrest warrants issued by the crown. Any conflict between Alvaric and Matheris was quiet and behind the scenes where supporters of one or the other debated the issues of sovereignty.

It should be mentioned that King Alvaric’s son Ciaran has been missing for several years. It is because of this that Alvaric abdicated the throne so that he could search for his missing son. This left the kingdom without a king and began the largest and hottest debate in the history of Fiorgynsheim.

Royal Succession

With no clear successor to the throne, it was decided that a Tournament would be held to determine who would be Fiorgynsheim’s new king; to the victor would go the crown. In the days preceding the tourney, heated debate occurred by many as to the legitimacy and wisdom of such a method of succession. Either prince Ciaran or Lionel were thought to be next in line by most, others thought that it should go to the most senior nobleman in the country, while others favored a democratic vote of the people.

Despite the many arguments, the Tournament was held and Barak Soultender (Olan Knight's Cleric, level 10), the High Priest of Ares in Tarreline, won the day. At the moment of his coronation by the Marquis de Simonides, several individuals attempted to assassinate Barak. A general melee ensued as supporters and opponents of the decision attempted to settle the issue by force of arms and magic. Barak was subdued but it was discovered soon thereafter that he was possessed by the Drow Queen Malsiferous. Thus disqualified, Otter of Greystone, the second place victor of the Tournament, was offered the crown. He then declined in favor of Prince Lionel, the son of Prince Matheris and the Lady Toulouse.

Lionel Jumegevan was later crowned King of Fiorgynsheim on 16 April 1999. He was 9 years old. Prince Matheris became the Regent of Fiorgynsheim, Ersha (Jay Shield's Knight, level 8) became the Warlord of Fiorgynsheim, and Kragar Moonfire became the Captain of the Fiorgynsheim Guard.

As a side note, during the tourney, the respected Duke of Bisenby held an unofficial election to vote for a king. Although no one took more than 50% of the vote, Conrad Von Tempest received the most votes.

Fiorgysheim Today

The years following Lionel's coronation have been rather peaceful. Rumors of Malsiferous still can be found but there have been few encounters with her dreaded forces. The Dainga and Qer'Shatta seem to be less evident every year. Fewer and fewer travelers report any sightings of members of either tribe. This is not to say that all is well in Fiorgynsheim. As more and more land is explored and settled, more ancient tombs, temples and citadels have been discovered which are often inhabited by the enemies of lawful society. Luckily, intrepid adventurers can usually be found to deal with such matters.


Locals of Note


Contact Danny Barry if you have any questions regarding Fiorgynsheim.

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Last Updated: 11-JUN-2003 at 10:10 am