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The Registry Committe is the group responsible for maintaining the records of the
Dallas Chapter.
Records are maintained for every sanctioned event, as well as for
each Player Character (PC) that participated in each sanctioned event.
Character (NPC) points are also maintained.
All of this information is available online from the
Member Reports page.
You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC in order to read the reports.
Note: Information collected by the Dallas Chapter is never
traded, given away, leased, or sold to anyone other than the IFGS Society Registry.
Olan Knight, registry@[REMOVE THIS]dallasifgs.org.
Contact Olan for all your questions about your CAP and/or your Characters' experience. 
Olan Knight, Chair
Sara Cox
Joe Dimatteo
Layne Johnson
John Jones
Pat McGehearty
Sammy Mendoza
Nathan Tryon
Yes, you too can gain the Phenomenal Cosmic Power that accrues instantly when
you sign up to become a Dallas Chapter IFGS Registry Representative.
All it requires
is that you be an official, paid-up member of the Dallas Chapter and go through some
brief training which will be provided by the Registry Chair!
To gain incredible good looks, a perfect physique, and instant admiration from
all members of the opposite gender, get in touch with
Registry Chair
and sign up to become a Registry Rep!
Hurry!!! Sign up NOW and avoid the rush!
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