Directions To Winter Park

Cecil Winter Park is located on the north-east corner of Arapaho and North Garland Avenue in Garland, TX.

To get to Winter Park once you are in Dallas:
  1. Head east on 635 from 35E.
  2. Go north on 75 (Central Expressway).
  3. Exit on Arapaho Road and head east (go left).
      Continue past Plano, Jupiter, and Shiloh roads.
      Arapaho dead-ends into North Garland Ave (NGA), which immediately turns north.
      There is a large recreational area on the north-east corner of this intersection (at your 10:00 position).
  4. Go north (turn left) onto NGA and continue about 300 meters.
      There will be soccer fields on the right-hand side of the road.
  5. Go east (turn left) onto Spring Creek Way, a little street just to the north of the soccer fields. This little road goes on for about 100 meters then "T"s into Spring Creek Drive.
  6. Go east (turn left) on Spring Creek Drive and look for the IFGS check-in stand in one of the parking lots on the south side (your right) of the road.
      If there's a lot of activity going on in the recreational area, we'll be in the first parking lot by the school, otherwise we'll be in the second parking lot. Just look for the other crazies in costume and the harried game producer!
  7. Park, check-in, and get geared up.

Here is a plane's-eye view of the area in which Winter Park resides - the yellow circle indicates the game site.


Moving a little closer, we get this bird's-eye view of the game site:


Getting up close and personal, we get this excellent view of the game site:


If you have any questions, please contact the webmaster.